Friday, June 8, 2012


BEA is over for another year. I made it through, though my feet and shoulders are sore. I wish I could share all the cool ARCs and swag I got with my readers. Alas I cannot. So instead I'll share a silly picture.

Penguin was doing this to promote REACHED the third book in Ally Condie's MATCHED trilogy. I'm not the agent on these. I haven't even read the second book yet. Eeek. But I love me a silly picture.

I'm trapped in a glass case of emotion!

... Actually I am not. Couldn't even tough the bubble. ACTING! /Jon Lovitz

I also have a picture with my head on YEAR OF LIVING BIBLICALLY which I wish I could find for times I'm dispensing important information.  


  1. That really is a cool cover :)

  2. Genius!

    It looks like you're giving the glass bubble a hug. You're trapped, but at least it's a pretty prison. :-)

    Thanks for sharing.
