Saturday, May 12, 2012


I had a good day today at the CT Fiction Fest. Conferences still make me a bit nervous. I am afraid of being a huge disappointment to people who want to meet me. Then writers are nervous about their pitch. So everyone is uncomfortable.But today was, as I said, good. Phew! I think I got some good pitches. We'll see.

I need to get out to different conferences. I seem to attend the same ones! And see the same people! So if you are reading this and involved in a planning a conference, please shoot me an email and I'll see if I can't fit it in!


  1. Hi Emily,

    Thanks for your great posts! Have you any plans to attend the Backspace Writers Conferences? I'm heading out to my third this weekend and they are absolutely wonderful. Very low key (no pitch sessions), but lots of opportunity for interaction between writers, editors, and agents. I've always found it a wonderful learning & networking opportunity.

    Mary Paine

    1. Hi, Mary!

      I have done two (I think) Backspace Conferences; they are a lot of fun. And I always leave feeling like I have helped even if I haven't found a client through them. I'm not scheduled to attend any upcoming Backspaces, that I know of. But I'm sure I will again at some point.

