The other day an author asked me what she was "doing
wrong" in her query. I didn't really have an answer. There are, obviously
some BIG no-no's when querying, but I feel like those have been covered by
other blogs. Aside from those, what is "wrong" for me might
work for another agent.
So, for what it is worth, here is my process for reviewing
Step 1. Realize that query folder is overflowing. Berate
self for being lazy and/or having a life.
Step 2. Decide to wade into the fray of battle to make
unread email number lower. Screw courage to sticking place.
Step 3. Open email, hoping for something clearly awesome
that I can sell for millions of dollars. Or, failing that, an obvious reject since
I simply must defeat the inbox.
Step 4. Read email, possibly several times depending on
potential of project. See below.
LEVEL 1: Quick reading of query to see if it hits any of my
"automatic rejection" buttons. EXAMPLES: It's a screenplay; it's a book
genre I do not handle, novel is 600,000 words long, the author cannot write in
English, author is potentially crazy and/or lists heinous crimes committed.
(NOTE: I feel like anyone reading this could beat this level.)
LEVEL 2: Book is in my wheelhouse, now examine premise. Is
this something I would read? Possible reasons for rejection at this level: Don't
like concept, I have read this book before, sounds boring, etc.
LEVEL 3: Ooh, shiny! Is something I would read, but do I
think I can sell it? Possible reasons for rejection at this level: I have
something similar and haven't been able to sell it, editors don't want this, don't
know publisher in that area, etc.
LEVEL 4: I must read more! Author has beaten levels. Excitement and
Step 5. Repeat these steps until
my eyes start to cross and words look fuzzy. Admit defeat. Wring hands like
maniacal super villain and announce that "I will get you next time, slush